Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Meeting March 5, 2014 5:30 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:36 p.m. Officers present: President Tina Scott, Secretary Lisa Guglielmina, Treasurer Marjie Watkins, and Logistics Tania Alvord. Officers Absent: Vice President Bonnie Miller. Members and guests present: Larry H., Herk Emmons, Bonnie Emmons, Bob Miller, Larry G., Briana, Ted, Serena, Scott Alvord, Roan, and introducing a new member, Betty McCall. Welcome Betty.
II. Approve Minutes of February 5, 2014: MSC B. Pierce/ Emmons, B. to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2014 meeting as presented.
III. Reports:
A. Treasurer: Marjie reported on expenditures of $300.00 for Tee-Shirts, total now at $859.39.
B. Events: Tina reported on a retention seminar she and Lona Davis will be attending.
IV. Action Items:
A. Form By-Laws/Mission Statement March 12, 5:30 p.m. (Tina) - Tina requested that all officers attend this meeting; members are strongly encouraged to come and participate.
B. Bingo (Vicki and Marjie) – Vicki unable to attend meeting tonight. Marjie reported they will have a couple of ‘dry runs’ to practice, then run it quarterly. It was suggested to check the senior center to see when they have theirs.
C. Fund Raiser (Ted and Lisa) – Lisa informed that a fireman’s calendar for 2015 is in the making. When running the numbers, there is a great possibility to sell 500 and possibly profit approximately $4,000.00 from it. Ted spoke of getting things started for the Mid-Summer’s Christmas Local Toy Drive. Betty McCall will allow the Department to use her flatbed trailer, mini horse and buckboard for the parade.
D. Easter Egg Hunt (Tina and Lisa) – Tina liked the idea of the egg hunt and wanted to do it for this Easter. Lisa explained the process and what needed to be done. Tania suggested putting the clues on the website. Larry H. will talk to Q-97 to see if they will help with the advertising of it. Discussion on what to put in the paper and when. Conclusions:
Ted will be in charge of hiding the 2 eggs and coming up with the clues.
The first clue will be in the Trinity Journal and the rest of the clues will be put on the website.
The following members volunteered to solicit gifts:
Roan – Olson’s Stoneware
Betty – CVS
Tania – White Wolf Gym
Our Space – Bonnie E.
MVP Floors – Larry H. said they will participate
Shear Delight – Lisa
E. Valentine’s Day Rose Results (Lisa) – Lisa reviewed the income and expenses; short discussion on what to do different next year.
F. Open House Recruitment (Larry H) – Larry reported that the project is still in progress, he is trying to get flyers up in the Chamber’s kiosk. Fire Department will be involved in Spring Week at the High School.
V. Unit Reports:
A. Logistics: (Tania) – There are protein bars and beef jerky in the cupboard for fire calls.
B. EMS Support (Serena) – Serena set up Tuesday March 11 at 9:00 a.m. to go through all the EMS bags to get them stocked and a list of supplies needed. Betty will look into CVS to see if they can give a discount on the supplies. Serena also reported on the CPR class last month – went very well.
C. Maintenance (Bonnie M) – No report.
D. Technology- Mike McMillan stated that he would like more members to participate in giving him info and pictures for the website.
E. Public Events/Education (Lisa) – Lisa reported that the District received the State Farm Grant for $5,000.00. She wrote the grant with an interactive learning experience in mind, so came up with a “State Farm Fire Safe House”. Larry Brown will be building the ‘house’ and the support group is invited to help paint it. Lisa had promised in the grant that the house will have the State Farm logo above the door and the street signs would read “Good Neighbor Rd.” and “State Farm St.” Will inform the group when the paining party is. Lisa wants the Children’s Festival to be the debut of the house.
VI. Open Forum – Scott spoke of the Live Fire Training the fire departments will be conducting – would be an excellent time for the support services to also practice as if it were a real fire emergency. Tania will give a guideline on what will happen, then, the day of she will contact everyone as if it were a real event. Discussion on next meeting topics: Children’s Festival in May, Muster Event (start practices), Bingo, Air Trailer Training, Live Fire Review. Please let Lisa know if you need to talk about anything at the meetings and she will get you on the agenda. It was mentioned to have the support group meetings on another day so we are not strapped for time.
VII. Next Meeting Schedule – The next meeting will be held on April 1, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
VIII. Adjourn- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:21 p.m.